
The Epically Awesome Award for Epic Awesomness

I was nominated by Paul from wwwpalfitness for this epically awesome award! 😉 His work is absolutely beautiful and I urge you to just take a few minutes and check it out! Thank you so much for the nomination! I am honored to be part of such an awesome award and hopefully get to know some other bloggers as well! 🙂

Anyways, now onto the rules:

Display the Award in your post, mention your nominator, link back to them, answer 5 questions and nominate 5-10 people. 


Now for the Questions:

What made you choose WP as your blogging platform?

I have used several other platforms before, but I just love the “reader” function that lets you explore others’ blogs using tags and whatnot. It is so relaxing getting to read others’ posts and getting to know these wonderful other people as well. I know exactly where to head if I am ever bored, lonely, or in need of a good laugh… WordPress 🙂

Introduce yourself and tell us about your blog

Hi there! My name is Pepper, and writing has always been a big passion of mine since my third grade writers block time. My blog is pretty random in all honesty… From random poetry to rants about life in general and anything in between. Hope you have a good time scrolling through!

Are you a once in a while blogger or a daily one?

In all honesty, that blue schedule function is literally my best friend. I am very much an impulse writer, so when I think of something or experience something new or different, I just sit down and write. When I am upset, I also write loads… I would definitely say I am more of a once in a while blogger… that just posts daily… (or tries to!)

Do you wish to publish and if so, what type of book?

I would love to publish a book one day. I have written quite a few fantasy/dystopian stories when I was younger that I never ended up finishing… But I have always loved writing love stories and realistic fiction in general. I am currently (very slowly) in the process of writing a love story centered around companionship and continuing on despite loss. I am not entirely sure where the story will go or if I will ever finish it… But it has always been a dream of mine to finally publish a book like that.

What is your favorite thing to do besides write?

I love playing tennis and chatting with others around the world via the app, Line, for a game called Knights and Dragons. It is a nice distraction and definitely fuels a lot of my own personal inspiration for some of my blog posts and overall just pushes me to strive to be a better person every day. Tennis has been one of my hobbies for a while though I am currently out injured… Which will be… Fun…

Anyways, thanks again Paul for the awesome nominee! Hope to get to know a few of you better as well! 🙂

Here are my nominees:

  1. Blessed With A Star On The Forehead
  2. Jandudy
  3. Writings By Ender
  4. Are You Thrilled
  5. Music + HeartBeat = Life
  6. Alice

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